YouSendIt is cool too!

Bueno, el buen Venom me mando un correo diciendome que aparte de Streamload para enviar y recibir correos grandes (que no está tan cool según él ) existe otro servicio completamente gratuito (esto me gusta) que se llama YouSendIt … ¿como funciona? preguntemosle a los creadores:

How Does It Work?

New to YouSendIt? Here’s what you do.

Choose who you want to send a file to. It can be anyone with an email address. You can specify multiple email addresses separated by commas.
Select a file to send. You can send photos, audio, documents or anything else. Your file will be stored by YouSendIt without ever filling up your recipient’s mailbox.
Click on Send. YouSendIt will automatically email your recipient a link to your file stored on our server. Your file will be deleted after seven days.
No passwords to share, no software to install, no accounts to create, and no full mailboxes. Start sending now!

La aplicación la encuentran en



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