Idiot’s Guide to Creating and Using VS Macros

Hoy estuve buscando como hacer una macro utilizando Visual Studio .NET 2003. Entre mis intentos (fallidos) encontré un post excelente de JimGries, titulado Idiot’s Guide to Creating and Using VS Macros.

Este post te lleva paso a paso de como hacer una sencilla macro, con algunos tips muy buenos; como este:

Neat Trick: How many of you knew you could run a command from the ‘Find’ combobox that appears on the standard toolbar?   You can execute almost any command (menu item) or macro (as above) in this thing.  Just preface your command with the ‘>’.  For example, try this:

>File.OpenFile c:windowssetuplog.txt

Why did anybody ever decide to implement this?  I really don’t know the answer to that, but I do know it happened long ago and is something command-line addicts refuse to give up.   My theory is that it was the original software anomaly that coined the phrase ‘That’s not a bug, it’s a feature!’  (just kidding… I think…)



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