Get Ready 4 Vista!

Si tienes planeado instalar el último beta de Windows Vista, te recomiendo que cheques la página de Get Ready para poder revisar las especificaciones mínimas para la máquina y las características que podrás usar con tu configuración.

  • Evaluate Your Current PC
    Run the Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor beta to help get your PC ready for Windows Vista.
  • System Requirements
    We recommend that you consult the Windows Vista Capable and Premium Ready PC specifications for system requirement guidance on running the core experiences and advanced features of Windows Vista.
  • Get Windows Vista Beta 2
    Windows Vista Beta 2 is available as a download or on DVD. It’s time for clarity—try it now!
  • Windows Vista Beta 2 Resource Center
    Once you have installed Windows Vista Beta 2, be sure to visit the Resource Center to download the Windows Vista Product Guide, find anti-virus software for Beta 2, and discover more information that will help you get up and running quickly.

Cheers! Beer [B]

PD. Rok estará haciendo una reseña diaria de sus aventuras en el TechEd 2006, no dejen de checarlas.



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